for the love of god stop using "Z" key to do stuff. For users who are using qwertz keyboard layout, it's completly unplayable.
people seem to not understand why would someone use such keyboard layout. it's the default layout in lots of european countries. For example germany (they are to blame for this because historical reasons reaching back to the age of typewriters), czech republic, slovakia, austria, hungary use QWERTZ. Please use ASDF or JKL for action keys because they fit most countries, both ASDF and JKL work on QWERTZ and QWERTY and even on AZERTY (france) layouts although for the AZERTY it's not perfect since you still have your A in different row but this way your hand doesn't hurt from the strain that the ZXC puts on it.
ZXC becomes YXC
and suddenly you have to reach to the other side of the keyboard to do basic action.
ASDF and JKL mostly stay the same on most keyboard layouts with the exception of the france
who only have SDF available in one row, however A is still reachable without having to lift your hand and move it.